Civil Hospital Karachi
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Department of Cardiac Surgery

Cardiac Surgery:

The Department of Cardiac Surgery was established through private public partnership in the year 2000 and since then providing FREE OF COST cardiac surgery to the poor and non-affording patients coming to Civil Hospital Karachi with the active support of Friends of Cardiac Surgery(a registered NGO) and Government of Sindh. The Department of Cardiac Surgery is accredited with the College of Physician and Surgeon Pakistan for post-graduate training.The department also provides training to undergraduates of Dow Medical College, ICU technicians, Operation theatre technician and ICU nurses. The department has trained and certified 09 Perfusionists, 15 ICU technicians and many others who are working in various hospitals of the city and abroad.

Till February 2014 the department has performed more than 3000 Open and Close heart surgeries. This includes mainly Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting(CABG), Valvular Heart Surgeries, Double Valve Replacement, Congenital Heart Surgery, Atrial Septal Defect Repair, Ventricular Septal Defect Repair and Patent Ductus Arteriosus Repair.

Service Offered

Cardiac surgery
Vascular Surgery
Thoracic Surgery

Panel of Doctors – Cardiac Surgery